Choose the front end you want

“Don´t limit your opportunities.”

“Keep as many doors open as possible.”

“Postpone decisions that are costly to reverse.”

“Ensure flexibility.”

All of these statements are hard to argue against. A sound business strategy is always taking flexibility into account, being able to adapt, and switch around if needed. This is a competitive advantage. This applies for your data driven organization as well.

Separating the vessel data layer, providing the data, and the layer that creates the analytical insight and output you need, gives you valuable flexibility.

As an example, if your immediate focus is on compliance and automating reporting, why would you not at the same time ensure that you have the flexibility to also use the same set up to solve future challenges related to for instance anomaly detection on pumps to avoid breakdowns or optimizing vessel routing? This is possible, but you need to avoid falling into the classical traps.

As a busy vessel owner, you have a million things on your mind, and it might appear to be the easiest option to select a solution that does one thing, and one thing only. But that requires you to redo everything at a later point when you want to do more with your data, duplicating cost and adding complexity, as well as an unnecessary distraction for your organization.

When you want to digitalize, when you want to make your organization data driven – you need flexibility. You need to be able to move in multiple directions (potentially even at the same time!). This is how you create value from your operational vessel data.

Separating the data layer from the application layer allows you to do this. When your vessel data is made available and can be sent anywhere you want, you can select the best applications for your current needs or even create your own. You can use specialized applications for specific needs and switch around as your needs change and the software landscape changes. At the end of the day – who knows which application has the best optimization algorithm for your particular vessels five years from now?

You can use specialized applications for specific needs and switch around as your needs change and the software landscape changes.

But what you do know - is that it is of great value for you to be able to select that application and take advantage of the value from the algorithm or application that is currently best suited to your needs. But to be able to do so you need flexibility.

RaaEdge represents this flexibility. We believe in openness, we believe in making you use your data for whatever you want. We are against locking you into doing one thing, when you should be able to do many things. After all, it is your data.

Learn more about the capabilities of RaaEdge and how we might support you in your digitalization journey here. Or reach out to us at


The power of a vessel IOT platform


Building regulatory compliance on data